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[[underlined]] May 18, 1932 [[/underlined]] San Diego See JC La Force & get from him more definite information [[underlined]] on dove killing. [[/underlined]] He says [[underlined]] 300 is outside limit [[/underlined]] of kill also gave total units of grain put out on ranches.  Stated [[underlined]] quail [[/underlined]] were exceedingly thick this year on Santa Margurita Ranch & that tree squirrels & quail were abundant in areas previously poisoned. 
   Thence to call on Clinton G. Abbott Director of San [[underline]] Diego [[/underline]] Museum.  He is against control mildly but says he realizes the futility of opposing it in present day of disturbed conditions.
   From this place Jake, Piper La Force & myself went to Lakeside [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] 15 miles out of San Diego and saw a fine colony of several hundred pair of [[underlined]] Tricolored Blackbirds [[/underlined]].  Possibly a maximum of [[underlined]] 500 pairs. [[/underlined]]  We found nests containing [[underlined]] 1, 2, 3, and 4 eggs - newly hatched young [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] young some six or seven days old.[[/underlined]] Fine [[underlined]] colony not there last year.[[/underlined]]
  To Pipers for dinner & then started north at 3:00 pm.  Stopped enroute to examine two or three swamps & drove over Santa Fe ranch - seeing one squirrel. Saw at the mouths of two creeks little flocks of [[underlined]] Least Terns [[/underlined]] beautiful little fellows - gracefully & alert.
   Stopped at Ethelbert Johnson's home in Santa Anna.  He has finished work this season with two tons of poison grain.  No complaints of damage to bird life.  Says the horned lark problem was solved for him by cracked wheat etc.  Arrived LA 10:30 pm.
[[underlined]] May 19, 1932 [[/underlined]] Call on Dr. Clements of LA Chamber of Commerce.  He is solid behind us. See Uncle Joels for a few moments.  He is terribly ill in the hospital with cancer.  Call at Ryans office & see