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May 30, 1932
Lv. Wells 6:15AM thru Star Valley-Lamoile to Elko at 11:00AM. Saw Bill Smiley Rodent Control leader in Star Valley. No Rodent poison out yet on account of continual storms. Poison is in hands of ranchers awaiting word to start drive. From there we made it to Lamoile & visited Hunter R. B. Grundy. He seems to know coyote game but has a rather prickly disposition judging from his comments.
Thence to Elko where received mail & visited C.G. Fairchild. Very quiet & nice appearance. Answered mail and worked out plans of a change of program due to wire from Couch regarding mess in Washington state.
Met Chester Brennan - Nevada Ex. Station &  his brother Howard Brennan - Leader of Pleasant Valley rodent control district & discussed rodent matters with them. Sage brush stripped of bark over acres by rabbits last winter.
Flowers. Saw nothing new or startling except an exquisite blue lupine with white eye and a shrubby aster probably Lucelene. A white onion also in bloom in patches. Balsamorrizha formed great sheets in the foothills of the Ruby mountains. Miles of these hills were a golden sheet of color. Where it was in combination with blue lupine it made a great show. 
[[underlined]] Birds 
√  Wilson Snipe [[/underlined]] (2), √ [[underlined]] Killdeer [[/underlined]] (C), √ [[underlined]] Bittern  (1), √  Mourning Dove  (sev), √  Red tail [[/underlined]] C. several families of young just able to fly hanging about squirrel colonies near Lamoile, √ [[underlined]] Swanson Hawk [[/underlined]] (2), √ [[underlined]] Turkey Buzzard [[/underline]] dozen about Lamoile, √ [[underlined]] Sparrow Hawk [[/underlined]] sev, √ [[underlined]] Prairie Falcon [[/underlined]] 1, √ [[underlined]] Raven [[/underlined]] 2, √ [[underlined]] Crow [[/underlined]] one bunch of 6 nearly fledged, √ [[underlined]] Magpie [[/underlined]] common including fledglings, √ [[underlined]] Meadowlark [[/underlined]] (C), √ [[underlined]] Bullocks Oriole 8-10, [[/underlined]],  over