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X June 3, 1932
Left Reno 6:20 AM via S.P. rode all day on Jerkwater limited to K Falls waited there for a few hours & took train to Portland. Met man from Elko who manages Penny store. He says Fairchilld is a fine man & comes from a fine family.
June 4, 1932
Arrived Portland 8:15 AM and to office. Found plenty of mail & stuff to keep me busy. Worked in yard in PM and to nursery. at home in evening.
[[underlined]] June 5, 1932 [[/underlined]] Sunday mowed lawn & worked here for a while then to nursery with [[?]]. Then to Speers for dinner & home in evening.
June 6, 1932
Office in AM. Talked with Raker & Eliot. Worked in office until noon & then started for Olympia arriving at 6:30 PM. Interview with Couch & Williams. Williams mess pretty bad & he admits it. Couch doesn't want to loose him so I'll recommend a heavy suspension.
June 7, 1932
Conference with Finley - Couch - Williams & England. Williams told that another instance of his being under influence of liquor would result in his instant dismissal. In afternoon to Tacoma for a talk with Bowles & the new U.S. D Atty. Mallory who will try the Bach Case. He became exceedingly interested in preventing another fiasco when he learned that the cost came out of his appropriation. Returned to Olympia after agreeing to help prevent a similar occurrence next time. He thinks it will be Sept before he can be tried.
June 8, 1932
Second conference around in office & then