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June 23,1932
swim. Working on notes for Thallium article
[[underlined]]June 24,1932.[[/underlined]]
Likewise. Telephone to Portland. Work on thallium notes. Chopped wood. Fished a while in P.M. at mouth of Salmon River. Jean caught a kelp and CJ & I each a perch Swim in evening.
[[underlined]]June 25,1932[[/underlined]]
Chop wood. Mow weeds & work a while on articles. Swim in evening. Jean-Iris & I up early to fish for an hour or two but failed to get any. [[check mark]] [[underlined]]Our Loon[[/underlined]] & two[[check mark]][[underlined]] Scaups[[/underlined]] present on lake & close
[[underlined]]June 26,1932.[[/underlined]]
See Geo. Tonkin and fish with him on Deer Creek for a while. We caught 29 small trout that surely ate well. This was beautiful country typical coast timber & vegetation except [[underlined]]Moneses uniflora[[/underlined]] which I found for the first time in the Oregon Coast Mts.
[[underlined]]June 27,1932[[/underlined]]
In morning cut wood and tidied up camp. Down to Portland after a very fine swim. Worked on Thallium article
[[underlined]]June 28,1932[[/underlined]]
In office general office work. Letters & correspondence. Several callers on trivial matters
[[underlined]]June 29,1932.[[/underlined]]
In office. Jay Billings, Frank Ballard, called to discuss matters. Dobbyns & Sanky discussed things. Nursery in evening.
June 30,1932
In office general office work. W.S. Rohen in to see me also Prof HM-DuBois.
July 1,1932.
In office general office work on letters & reports particularly on thallium matters