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Sept 4, 1932.
Combination, arr Spokane 600 p.m. Bath & Show
Sept 5, 1932
Visited with Gubser all day & arranged his transfer with him.  He objected some but agreed to go. Young handled well.  Caught myself talking too much about other districts again.  Must break myself of that [[underlined]] entirely [[/underlined]] or will cause trouble everywhere.  Good show.
[[underlined]] Sept 6, 1932. [[/underlined]]
Lv. Spokane 740 A.M. in Rockne Stop in Wilbur to confer with Senator Gray & in Wenatchee to visit with R.A. McCornaels Visit President of First Nat Bank, & then into Olympia at 8:40 pm conference with Leo K. Couch.
[[underlineed]] Sept 7, 1932 [[/underline ]]
All day in Olympia offices conferring with Couch Williams, Finley, England, etc over district matters in company with Mr. Young.  To Couch's for dinner in evening & bridge.  Clara phoned & said Jean was to have an operation Friday and as she was still in in bed wanted me home.
[[underlined]] Sept 8 1932 [[/underlined]]
To Tacoma for conference with D. Atty. Mallory on Beck case. Also dinner with young Rep. Club. Return to Olympia and meet C.C. Sperry for conference.  Also Finley kicking about head quarters etc.  Thence home arriving about 900 pm.  Visited folks & thence to nursery to work with John arr home 1 AM.
[[underlined]] Sept 9, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Jean to hospital & had her tonsils out also adenoids.  Dopy myself from ether & hard night.  Worked in office on mail all day.  Took Jean home in evening
Sept 10, 1932.  In office in A.M. and trip to nursery in afternoon taking Young to