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Sept 00, 1932 Cont. foot of St Johns Bridge enroute. Wife some better but still terribly weak.
[[underlined]] Sept 11, 1932 [[/underlined]] At home all day except for some time at nursery. Worked on catalogue & orders.
[[underlined]] Sept 12, 1932. [[/underlined]] First copies of my new book [[smudge]] came and I am mighty well pleased with its mechanical appearance and hope the public likes it. Worked all day clearing my desk.
[[underlined]] Sept 13, 1932 [[/underlined]] Worked on general office work and the thallium stuff. Wife slowly improving.
[[underlined]]Sept 14, 1932.[[/underlined]]
General office work & Birds of Oregon
[[underlined]]Sept 15, 1932.[[/underlined]] Same with short trip to the nursery and work at home on birds of Ore.
[[underlined]]Sept 16, 1932.[[/underlined]] Young returned from Astoria and we went over Keyes proposition and also over Mrs. Goudy affairs.
[[underlined]]Sept 17, 1932.[[/underlined]] In office all day general office work and in afternoon worked on the Birds of Oregon while waiting for chief. Chief & couch arrived at 500 PM and then chief & Luckhardt departed for Klamath. Leo home to dinner with me & then took Young to Eastmoreland.
[[underlined]]Sept 18, 1932.[[/underlined]] Young & Couch conference this A.M. Took Young to house & nursery & then back to hotel. In evening to nursery to get plants for Mrs. Berry and then to her home with them and other stuff.
[[underlined]]Sept 19, 1932.[[/underlined]] In office. Chief returns & spends most of day up town conferring with folks. I've worked on Birds of Ore to some extent while waiting for the chief and Young.