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[[underlined]]Oct 3, 1932.[[/underlined]] Interview publisher agents in S.F. 
Oct 4, 1932. Conference with Dr. [[Kirford?]] of Univ. committee return to S.F. conference Jake-
young & Chief & Horn.
[[underlined]]Oct 5, 1932.[[/underlined]] Conference Jake- Leo Wilson get 
25 copies of book & stop at Berkeley Hort on way out. [[strikethrough]]at Sacto[[/strikethrough]] stop & see Tracy Stiner & had nice visit. Out to Pooles in evening.
[[underlined]] Oct 6, 1932 [[/underlined]] In office conference Poole & Keyes. wrote letters- got out expense account & sent to Portland. Left Sacto 2:00 arrived Reno at 7:00 pm. Out to Sams in evening.
[[underlined]] Oct 7, 1932 [[/underline ]]
 At Reno office- mail etc and meet Vernon Metcalf. Had car greased & [[strikethrough]] polished [[/strikethrough]] oil changed. Left Reno at 12:30 PM and camped at Sapps place on Walker Lake. Clear water & sandy beaches. Lots of beach & lots of birds.  Mr Sapp makes a living seining carp out of this lake & shipping the to S.F. & L.A. Says there are many trout in lake 25# or more Bass etc. Washoe - Arnisby Douglas Lyon - Mineral Counties. Birds seen.
[[check mark before each bird number]]
[[each bird name underlined]]
1. Eared Grebe 3 or 4 (Walker Lake)
2. White Pelican 4-5 Walker Lake
3. Coot. common Walker Lake
4. Ruddy Duck C Walker Lake
5. California Gull C. Walker Lake
6. Marsh Hawk 3 by Yerrington
7. Raven 2 Walker Lake
8. Magpie Common all along road.
9. Say's Phoebe 1 near Walker Lake
10. Horned Larks few along Walker river
11. Anderson Warbler few near Minden
12. Townsend Solitaire 2 on Pine Nut Mts
13. Red Shafted Flicker w on Pine Nut Mts
14. Mountain Bluebirds Common all along
15. Cal. Linnet Common all along