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Nov 4, 1932 (cont)
Stayed at Bar view for evening
Nov 5, 1932.
Along beach at Bar View and Rockaway. Collected 1 Scaup Duck
Saw 1. Farralon Cormorants
2x Raven
3x Scaups (sev)
4x White winged Scoter sev
5x Lesser Loon (1)
6x Glaucous winged Gulls (sev)
7x Cal Gull
8 Western Gull
9. Bonapartes Gull (c)
In afternoon about Bay to Bay Ocean & along the beach.
(1) Pied billed Grebe (2)
(2) Horned Grebe (2 killed)
(3). Red breasted Merganser (1)
4. Lesser Loon sev.
5. Red-throated Loon sev.
6. Glaucous winged Gull c
7x Western Gull (3 dead & crippled picked up on beach
8x Bonapartes [[ " for Gull ]] sev
9x Cal. Gull Common  20 Bald Eagle sev
10x Short billed Gull [[ " for Common]]   21 Bufflehead c
11x Black Duck Hawk 1   22 Pintail sev)
12x Canvasback several groups
13 Scaup (c)
14. White winged Scoter c
15. Surf Scoter sev)
16. Red Phalarope Six or Seven
17. Black-bellied Plover 2
18x Sanderling (c)
19. Herring Gull 1 conspicuous in a crowd of westerns & Californias.
Returned to Portland in evening.