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[[underlined]] Nov. 19, 1932 [[/underlined]] cont
Poole gave me following figures
Trapping Licenses State Cal 1930-31 - 2807
Trapping Licenses State Cal 1931-32 - 2810
50% decrease in Modoc co 1932 no decrease in numbers in Siskiyou & Shasta Co. Old timers are not running trap lines and most of trappers & kids & amateurs who are only educating coyotes.
23% decrease state funds in 1932
26% decrease county funds in 1932
Trappers Nov 1931 - 58
Trappers Nov 1932 - 48.
Left Harris at 700 PM and followed Leo Wilson to Benecia to a duck club went to bed at 1000 PM
[[underlined]] Nov 20, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Up at five and out at five to see the flight of birds. Too warm & clear & it amounted to little a great flight of [[underlined]] Tree Swallows [[/underlined]] over the marsh was of interest. also a [[underlined]] White tailed [[/underlined] Kite - a [[underlined]] duck hawk [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] many egrets.[[/underlined]]
Collected a [[underlined]] savannah sparrow [[/underlined]] 2 [[underlined]] swallows [[/underlined] a [[underlined]] yellowthroat [[/underlined]] & a [[underlined]] Marsh wren [[/underlined]] which I made up in evening. Left club at noon for a motor boat ride on the bay in a gar wood speed boat & enjoyed it. Party also caught 4 bass and Wilson took 14 ducks home. I arrived at Ukiah 830 PM. Met Bill Poulsey
[[underlined]] Nov 21, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Went to see Mrs Chas Kasch - who [[underlined]] used to [[/underlined]] be Edna Stangland of Marathon - had a nice visit & received an invitation to return again. Then to Laytonville looking for a hunter and up to Harris thru a rolling bald hill country to east of highway. The north slopes are clothed with [[nd?]]  fir oak & madronna & others open grass land.