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April 23, 1933
In morning at home & in evening to nursery where wet weather interfered seriously with sales.
April 24, 1933
To Lincoln County - McMinnville etc & return same day. Failed to secure digitalis plants for which I tried
April 25, 1933
Left Portland at 10:00 with C S Luckhardt & went to Olympia where I conferred with [[strikethrough]] K. Couch & John Tuilly. Also Dr. Exline and Theo. Albert. In evening to Copalis with Luckhardt arriving at midnight
April 26, 1933
Dug clams a while with Luckhardt returning to hotel at 800 AM for breakfast. Met two fish commission deputies. Then to Westport where I met Hitchen & Stan Warburton went out on beach with them & secured few sandpipers.
April 27, 1933
Left at 9:00 AM after a visit to beach. big flight of [[underline]] sandpipers [[/underline]] & [[underline]] Bonaparte gulls [[/underline]] & 1 [[underline]] Sabine [[/underline]] along the beach. Saw [[underline]] surf Birds, Black Turnstones [[/underline]] in jetty, [[underline]] Long billed Dowitchers, Red backed Sandpipers, Western Sandpipers, Hudsonian Curlews [[/underline]] & a constant flight of small companies of [[underline]] Bonaparte Gulls. [[/underline]] Also saw a number of Loons.
[[strikethrough]] April 28, 193 [[/strikethrough]]
Come on to Portland and at my desk on this Emergency Program
April 28, 1933
At desk all day conferring with forest officers & Jewett & Fugate

Transcription Notes:
Hudsonian Curlews now classified as subspecies of Whimbrel.