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April 29, 1933
At office in A. M. and until 3:00 PM for conference with Ballard. Roger Morse, Herb Howell. At nursery for a few minutes
April 30, 1933
Fumigated cabinet brot out from the office & got into good shape. Out with John Carter for a while in AM collecting birds but saw nothing startling. In afternoon out to nursery where we did a fair business despite the bad weather 
skinned 4 birds in evening
May 1, 1933
At office in A. M. Left in P.M for trip to Canby - Salem etc. Lectured at Salem Garden Club in evening to a group of about fifty people & returned home at midnight.
May 2, 1933
At office conferences with forest Service etc and members of the staff. In PM with John to look at some tulips etc. Ed Averrill brot in a very fine male golden pileolated warbler this morning which he found dead in his yard. I skinned it in the evening & found a broken frontal in the skull.
May 3, 1933.
In office general office work and work on emergency forest program. In evening at home with family. Worked on catalogue for Monty Ward
May 4, 1933
In office in AM. general office work and in afternoon at 4:30 went to Laurelhurst Park where I planted a garden for the flower show. Came home at 10:00 PM. to find Grace Gail showing a high

Transcription Notes:
"Golden pileolated warbler" now classified as subspecies of Wilson's Warbler