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June 8, 1933 cont. 
and take some time at nursery in evening
June 9, 1933.
In office all day routine office work and leave 400 PM arriving at the Dalles at 700 PM
June 10, 1933.
In northern Wasco county and along the eastern border of Mt Hood forest. The squirrels have become quite abundant in the canyons just to the south of the Dalles and have come back strong in the scattered colonies of the forest edge. These are not as abundant as in 1919-20 when we first operated there.
June 11, 1933
Lv Wasco county at noon arrive in Portland 300 PM after taking a few pictures there.
June 12, 1933
In office in am. Leaving for St. Helens at 11 AM. Spoke at community meeting in [[ strikethrough]] E Church in evening after judging rock gardens in PM. arr Portland 200 AM 
June 13, 1933
Lv. Portland 600 AM to Salem to confer with M. E. Peck - Hal Hoss etc returning portland 700 pm and speak to the Montavilla Kiwanis Club on Ocean Travellers.
June 14, 1933.
Lv. Portland in afternoon 400 pm after day in the office. arrived at Devils Lake  cottage later in evening.
June 15, 1933
My loons are very much in evidence and also bunch of baby pied billed grebes. Worked at building on to the cottage.