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July 2, 1933. (con.)
garden. In P.M. with Clara & kids to Oneonta Gorge to get Dodecatheon dentatum photos but found them all out of flower. Photos at Mrs Berrys of [[underline]] Prunula littoniana [[/underline]] and then at folks for evening.
July 3, 1933.
At office all day. Left for Devils Lake at 430 pm arriving 700 pm.
July 4, 1933
Celetrated fourth with the kids and spend afternoon at perch rock with them.
July 5, 1933.
Mowed weeds. Split wood & then back to Portland for afternoon in office & took kids to see cruiser Agusta. In evening to nursery.
July 6, 1933
In office all Day and home in the evening work around house & on library.
July 7, 1933
In office all day working on general office matters & home in evening selecting pictures for articles.
July 8, 1933
A hellish day. everything went wrong with me all day long. In office a lot of trouble broke and in the afternoon the wind blew so hard I found it impossible to do much photographic work at the nursery. In evening took Clara to a show.
July 9 - 1933
Up at 545 to the west wide hills with John Carter & Prof. saw a few birds but nothing of any special interest Then fishing with Ben & Herb [[?]]