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July 24, 1933
At office all morning & get new suit before strarting for Olympia. Leave Portland at 3.00 PM. Arr Olympia 700PM. Conference with Couch.
[[underlined]] July 25, 1933 [[/underlined]]
At Olympia office and conference with Williams regarding work and Finley on matters affecting rodent work. To Seattle with Couch arriving at 100 PM. Conference with [[Onenden?]] of Game Commission. Not very satisfactory and then to see Guy Dunning atty with the  people who were in wreck with Elmer. returned to Olympia.
[[underlined]] July 26, 1933 [[/underlined]]
Left Olympia 1030 AM after conferences in the office. Visited Snow Creek planting & Quillcene area where the forest swervice has been planting an old burn. The trees are 75% or more gone or badly deformed. Some will recover if protected from further rodent depredations. Visit E.B Webster.
[[underlined]] July 27, 1933 [[/underlined]]
With Leo on hike to summit of Mt Angeles. Saw one fresh cougar track & one coyote. Birds few. Saw Oregon & Stellars Jays - Juncos - Red breasted Nuthatches etc. Flowers exceedingly plentiful & in perfect condition. 
[[underlined]] Summer borealis [[/underlined]] litteraly by the yard but not in as full bloom as yesterday in Mt. Zion.
[[underlined]] Cornus canadensis [[/underlined]] past its best. 
[[underlined]] Aquilegia formosa [[/underlined]] very fine
[[underline]] Lilium columbianum [[/underlined]] very fine

Transcription Notes:
Quillcine = Quilcene