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July 27, 1933
[[underline]] Sedum aregaruum [[/underline]] full bloom
[[underline]]Rhododendron albilflorium [[/underline]] "  "  [[ditto for full bloom]]
[[underline]] Campanula piperi [[/underline]] full bloom & verey fine. Don't see how the display could have been better.
[[underline]] Campanula rotundifolia [[/underline]] a dwarfed single flowered form very floriferous & with big flowers very abundant.
[[underline]] Douglasia lavigata [[/underline]] Abundant & in full flower in the morraines as well as rock crevices.  A wongerful show.
[[underline]] Spiraea hendersoni [[/underline]] great festoons under rocks in full flower.
[[underline]] Viola fletti [[/underline]] a beauty in rock crevices in conglomerate rocks above timber line.
[[underline]] Navarretia[[/underline]]  sp. few
[underline]] Viola adunca [[/underline]] abundant & in good flower
[/underline]] " [[ditto for Viola]] sempervirens [[/underline]] " [[ditto for abundant]] some flowers
[[underline]] " [[ditto for Viola]] glabella [[/underline]] " "  " [[dittos for abundant some flowers]]
[[underline]] Phyllodoce empetriformis [[/underline]]  abundant little past its best flower
[[underline]] Cassiope mertensiana [[/underline]] " [[ditto for abundant]] in full flower
[[underline]] Silver acaulis [[/underline]] common. just commencing to flower
[[underline]] Salix nivalis [[/underline]] Abundant but not in flower yet.
[[underline]] Caltha [[/underline]] flowering well just below snow
[[underline]] Trollius laxus [[/underline]] few flowers
[[underline]] Anemone drummondi [[/underline]] past best flower
[[underline]] " [[ditto for Anemone]] occidentalis [[/underline]] in full bloom
[[underline]] Dasiphora fruiticosa [[/underline]] a beautiful abundant dicumbent shrub in full flower.
[[underline]] Ranunculus [[/underline]]  sp. a beauty in full bloom