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July 29, 1933
Conference with Couch & Finley over districting of state & informed Finley he would have to take Yakima district. Examined mail & wrote up notes. Left Olympia at 1100 AM and had lunch with Jack Bowles in Tacoma Drove to Yakima Park in North east corner of Rainier park and camped for night in a little cabin there. Met Vic Scheffer & looked over flowers. The display of anemome occidentlalis is superb. [[underlined]] Erythronium parviflorum [[/underlined]] is also good and [[Cultha?]] just coming on. Visited camp fire. They put on a little program which was fine but weather too cold for comfort. 
[[underlined]] July 30, 1933. [[/underlined]]
This morning broke clear & still with a beautiful view of "The Mountain." With Vic Scheffer we worked over the morraines toward Burroughs and found much of interest in the flower line. The display of [[underlined]] Lupinus [[legalli?]] [[/underlined]] was by far the best of all. Heathers - all three species were good with P. glandulosa most fully bloomed out. [[underlined]] Saxifraga tolmiei [[/underlined]] & s. cascpilosa good. also two [[underlined]] Arenarius Erigeron nivalis [[/underlined]] or a similar species. an aster much like [[underlined]] A. andersoni [[/underlined]]. [[underlined]] Erigeron [[encaphalus?]] [[/underlined]] and a thing vic called [[underlined]] Oraba aureola [[/underlined]] which was fragrant & looked like a wall flower. Found a dwarf willow with silver reverse to leaves fairly common. [[underlined]] Phlox diffusa [[/underlined]] runs strong to lavender & white with a few pinks. [[underlined]] Silene acaulis [[/underlined]] few in bloom. Greatest display was the deep blue of [[underlined]] Lupinus lyalli [[/underlined]] and a brilliant red