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July 30, 1933. cont
castilliga in startling mixture of forbidden color combinations. [[underlined]] anemone drummondi in abundant bloom and [[underlined]] [[Smeloskyia?]] calcynia [[/underlined]] with better flowers than I have ever seen. [[underlined]] Navarrvatia [[/underlined]] similar to Olympics present & in bloom. [[underlined]] Veronica cusichii (?) [[/underlined]] in spots was out in full show. Pentstemon [[underlined]] [[puffcerus?]] [[/underlined]], menziesii present and a very compact form of [[underlined]] fruticosa [[/underlined]]. 
Lower on mountain saw many tall Mertensia and [[underlined]] Mimulus [[/underlined]] lewisii. The valerian was everywhere and also a sedge. [[underlined]] Cornus canadensis [[/underlined]] in full flower in lower forests. 
Found a [[underlined]] pipit's nest - 4 young [[/underlined]]. Located by Scheffer yesterday. Saw a [[underlined]] Fox Sparrow [[/underlined]] in worn plumage. Heard [[underlined]] Rosy finches [[/underlined]] & saw many [[underlined]] Clarks crows [[/underlined]].
In P.M. to current [[Flet?]] ranger station where we conferred with rangers & packers regarding gopher areas & then to Rattlesnake Ranger station in creek of same name where we camped for the night. 
Left Sunrise at 130 PM arr Rattlesnake at 700 P.M.
July 31, 1933
Spent entire day with Couch looking over the high country on Bethel Ridge - Timberwolf Mt and the head of Little Rattlesnake creek. Returned to camp 530. Saw plenty of elk tracks - some deer - one or two coyotes and a fox. Also scared a bear out of a thicket. Laid out a gopher project covering approximately 2000 acres on Timberwolf. Gophers spotted elsewhere on this territory. saw [[conds?]] making hay - mostly lupine. Birds scarse tho we collected a few. Plants in flower