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Aug 11-1933 cont. 
[[check mark]] 39. Pale goldfinch 2
[[check mark]] 40. Song Sparrow few
[[check mark]] 41. House Finch Common
[[check mark]] 42. Nevada Savannah Sparrow C
[[check mark]] 43. Horned Lark 1C)
[[check mark]] 44. Brewers sparrow C
[[check mark]] 45. Sage " Several
[[check mark]] 46. Sage Thrasher C
[[check mark]] 47. Killdeer Common
[[check mark]] 48. yellow warbler
[[check mark]] 49 Burrowing Owl
August 12, 1933. 
Hot early this morning. To office and secure mail to find kiddies came thru the operations all O.K. Purchase supplies for Ore long trip. go to Minden to see Mr. Fred Dangberg but missed connections. saw Forest Office people Thence to Lake Tahoe & back to Reno over the [[incline?]] road. saw Dean Adams & his wife at the Lake. Back to Reno 730 P.M. collect a few birds & saw following
[[check mark]] 1 [[check mark]] Canada Geese. Few at Washoe Lake
[[check mark]] 2 [[check mark]] California Gulls Lake Tahoe few
[[check mark]] 3 [[check mark]] Pacific nighthawk 2
4. [[check mark]] Sage thrasher sev
5. [[check mark]] Barn swallow Sev. 
6. [[check mark]] Fox sparrow several (1 collected)
7. [[check mark]] Green tailed Towhee (2)
8. [[check mark]] Pine siskin several 
9. [[check mark]] White crowned Sp. (2)
10. [[check mark]] Sierra Grouse 1
11. [[check mark]] Yellow Warbler c
12. [[check mark]] McGillivrays Warbler 2
[[check mark]] 13. Chipping Sparrow c
[[check mark]] 14.  W. Meadowlark c
[[check mark]] 15.  Blue fronted Jay 1
[[check mark]] 16. Clarkes Nutcracker 2
[[check mark]] 17. Rufous Hummer c
[[check mark]] 18. Calliope " 2
[[check mark]] 19. [[check mark]] white headed Woodpecker 1
[[check mark]] 20. Red shafted Flicker 1
[[check mark]] 21. [[check mark]] Thurbers Junco c
22. [[check mark]] White breasted Nuthatch
23. [[check mark]] Pygmy "
[[check mark]] 24. sparrow Hawk 1
[[check mark]] 25. Turkey Buzzard c
[[check mark]] 26. Burrowing Owl 1