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Aug 17, 1933
Left camp at 700 AM. Saw no new birds down this canyon save those mentioned under Aug 16. 
✔[[underlined]] Sage Thrashers - ✔ shrikes [[/underlined]] and ✔ [[underlined]] Brewers sparrows [[underlined]] over the country. [[underlined]] Horned Larks [[/underlined]] much less common but widely scattered. 
Other Birds
✔ [[underlined]] Golden eagle [[/underlined]] 2 ✔ Short eared Owl 1 
✔ [[underlined]] Swainson Hawk [/underlined]       C in Ruby Valley.
✔ [[underlined]] Nevada Redwing [[/underlined]]    "  "  "     " 
✔ [[underlined]] W. Vesper Sparrow [[/underlined]] "  "  "     " 
We went to Ely for mail & to sign contracts & had a wonderful dinner at Rassmussen's. Thence to Perry Creek C C C Camp where the officers have made a pretty nice camp out of very little to work with. Thence across country to camp at 7.00PM at the east base of the Ruby Mountains - 
Aug 18, 1933
Left camp 7.00AM arr at Elko at 4.15PM in a terrific dust storm that made driving an impossibility. Stopped enroute at Lemoille C.C.C. camp to check gopher work & then interview with Forest Supervisor McQueen regarding all work on Humboldt N.F ✔
Birds plentiful arround our camp at the entrance to Secret Pass and allso[[sic]] in the meadows above to which we climbed in the morning. Camped for noon on a little creek near Lemoile.
✔ 1. Golden eagle 1
✔ 2. Ferruginous Rough Leg 2
✔ 3. Swainson Hawk  C
✔ 4 Western Redland C
✔ 5 Sparrow Hawk C
all these three exceedingly common near Lemoille