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Aug 19, 1933
Left Elko at 645 AM. beautiful morning. clear & bright but cool. We drove from there to Tuscarora - thence thru John G. Taylor's range and across the Ouyhee desert crossing the Owyhee at the [[I. L.?]] ranch. Thence to the Winters ranch on China Creek & on to the head of the Little Humboldt. Here we found a [[Slusher Pros?]] Horse camp in charge of a Mr. Martin from Dayville. Had an airplane which they used to drive the horses into a box canyon where they held them until enough were gathered to make a drive to Winnemucca or Mt Horne. ate dinner with them & then started on. We jammed a brace rod on the engine that elevated it enough so that we could not shift gears into intermediate or high. Drove in low to creek where we could get shade & Sam's fixed it while I skinned birds. Went into camp at 300 PM & it was 700 PM when the car was fixed & dinner over. Heard a coyote howl the first one on the trip just as we finished eating [[check mark]] 1. [[underlined]] Raven. [[/underlined]] Numerous. saw more than on all the previous days of the trip [[check mark]] 2. [[underlined]] W. Crow [[/underlined]] Big flight of several hundred went up little Humboldt just at dark. 
[[check mark]] 3. [[underlined]] Swainson Hawk [[/underlined]]. saw 40-50. 2 coal black ones I crippled one but not enough to bring it down
[[check mark]] 4. Western Red-Tail. 40-50 including one coal black which I also crippled but lost. 
[[check mark]] 5. Marsh Hawk 10-12
6. [[check mark]] Sparrow Hawk - several Hundred
7. Magpie. Common everywhere
8. [[check mark]] Short eared Owl 1
9. [[check mark]] W. Meadowlark C. on ranches
10. [[check mark]] Brewers Blackbird C ""