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Aug 19, 1933 (cont)
[[check mark]] 11. Veranda Redwing C on ranches
[[check mark]] 12. Song Sparrow 10-12
[[check mark]] 13. Fox " [[ditto for Sparrow]] 1
[[check mark]] 14. [[illegible]] rus [[/illegible]] " [[ditto for Sparrow]] abundant
[[check mark]] 15. Vesper " [[ditto for Sparrow]] C
[[check mark]] 16. Lark " [[ditto for Sparrow]] C
[[check mark]] 17. Sage " [[ditto for Sparrow]] several on Little Humboldt
[[check mark]] 18. Horned Lark several but not common
[[check mark]] 19. Cal. Shrike. Abundant. I've never seen them so abundant & widely distributed
[[check mark]] 20. Sage Thrasher. same as above.
[[check mark]] 21. Barn Swallow. C on ranches
[[check mark]] 22. Cliff " " " " [[ditto for swallow. C on ranches]]
[[check mark]] 23. N. Violet Green " " " " [[ditto for swallow. C on ranches]]
[[check mark]] 24. Rough wing " [[ditto for swallow]] Several at Little Humboldt Camp
[[check mark]] 25. White throated swift. 10-12 coursing up & down the creek on Little Humboldt. I killed one but lost it in the willows
[[check mark]] 26. Pacific Nighthawk. A. on fence posts along road & in evening & morning. 
[[check mark]] 27. W. Mourning Dove. Abundant everywhere
[[check mark]] 28. Yellow Warbler few.
[[check mark]] 29. McGillavary's " [[ditto for Warbler]] C
[[check mark]] 30 Mallard. 10-12 on Little Humboldt
[[check mark]] 31 Pintail 8 at I.L. Ranch
[[check mark]] 32 Black crowned Night Heron one on Little Humboldt

Aug 20, 1933
Left little Humboldt at 7.30 AM after a four mile hike up the valley.  Coyote sign everywhere & coyotes howled all around last night.  Saw a big doe in the willows.  This is area where 8 positive cases of rabid coyotes occured last year.  Rabies has apparently had little affect on their numbers as they certainly are abundant.
  Birds were very numerous all along the