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Sept 2, 1933 cont
Parnassia Pimbriata; Heuchera cylindrica; Rubusarcticus; Rosa acicularis; Amelanchier alnifolia; Dryas octopetala, D. drummondi; Astragalus pauciflorus; Epilobium latifolium; E. spicatum. Ledum glandulosom. Spiraea betaliFolia; Juniperus sabina procumbens; Shepardia canadensis; Lilium philadelphicum Hedysarum boreale; Pinguicala vulgaris Senecio lugens; Erythronium grandiflorum geum triflorum; Sycopodium setiga ? Silene acaulis; Lychnis apetela (Nodding L) Linium perenna. Clematis columbiana; Delphinium scopulorum, D. columbianium; Ronanculus McCalli; Draba alpina 
   In late afternoon we climbed Sulpher Mt. back of Banff.  Lodgepole timber most of way.  Arctostaphylos uva ursi low down the universal ground cover.  later gave way to Dryas [[Luniaes?]] increasingly abundant as we went upward.  Few in flower toward summit.  Zygadenus(?) common low down.  Aquilegia - Clematis - two anemones one with [[binate?]] leaves (segments cuneate) & one with doubly [[binate?]] leaves common.  Senecio - Arnica Cornus canadensis - a tiny Goluium in bloom.  Lots of Rhododendron albiflorum prostrate juniper, a thick leaved [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[strikethrough]] [[cornentose?]] below. Ledum. a few belated Pernassias still with withered flowers and in the woods. 
   The abundance of Dryas the outstanding thing. Higher up lots of Engelmann spruce - white barked pine etc  Nutrcackers & Canada Jays  Pine squirrels [[underlined]] Sedum stenopetalum [[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Arctostaphylos uva ursi = A. uva-ursi = Bearberry Goluium = possible mis-spelling of Galium?