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Sept 2, 1933
[[underlined]] Androsace [[/underlined]] creeping over rocks in company with other plants. Two kinds of prostrate juniper violas scarce. Saw two plants with foliage like [[underlined]] V. adunca [[/underlined]]. Vegetation much like lodgepole slopes [[insertion]] in Wallowa[[/insertion]] Saw an elk on lawn at Banff Hotel and a deer (doe) came to eat out of our garbage can at cottage in heart of town. Two species of [[Jaccinum?]] common & several Pyrolas. 
Sept 3, 1933
Left Banff at 630 AM & drove to Morraine Lake above Lake Louis & hiked 3 miles to Consolation Lake. Beautiful country. 
Phyllodoce - empetroformis & glandulosa cassiope mertensiana, Salix rivalis - Salix retusa R.) & two others. Kalmia microphylla Trollius laxus beautiful bed. Parnassias Pyrola uniflora Pentstemon scouleri [[underline]] Sax bronchialis [[/underline]] abundant. Sileve acaulis 
Mr Camp reports Calypso - Erythronium abundant about Johnsons Canyon auto camp
Described something like [[?]] [[Deyes?]] not so good on this side. Hedysarums of several kinds abundant
From Morraine Lake we went to Yoho Canon a beautiful rugged country - where a falls some [[overstrike 1300 [[/overstrike]] 1248 feet high (Takakkaw Falls) comes plunging over the cliff.
Willows - Poor [[Deyes?]] - [[Eugesous?]] Cassiope etc here.
Thence to Emerald Lake & then to Lake Louise a real beauty spot where one looks over the entire lake to Victoria glacier, a huge one. Back to Johnsons Canyon Auto Camp a fine place to stay.
Learned a great deal about the country