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Sept. 9, 1933 (cont)
for a visit & home at 1100 pm to skin out the remaining shearwater.
Sept. 10, 1933
With John Carter out to King ranch at King crest above Eagle Creek on Estacada road. Saw several birds including a number of mixed bands of migrating warblers. Blue Jays have taken all filberts on outside row of trees and are making inroads into adjoining parts of orchard. I would estimate that not more than a dozen jays were working on this orchard and about an equal number of pine squirrels. Owner claims half crop lost each year for last three years. about 5 acres in filberts. From the rate stripping of trees proceeding believe he will suffer equal loss before filberts ready to pick. 
Collected yellow, golden pileolated, Black throated Gray and Lutescent warblers. 
Home and to nursery to go over business with John. Service car for trip tomorrow Skin birds & make up two shearwaters available had been soaking in gas over night
Sept 11, 1933
[[overstrike]] office - See Jewett, Leichhardt = Bill Davidson. With first two in [[Moche?]] crest to see a reported white crane. Saw & watched for some time an [[overstrike]] white [[/overstrike]] American egret. first record for Multnomah C. Leave Portland 200 PM for Olympia taking Jean & Iris along. Stopped enroute at Albert's and thence to Couches for a conference. To hotel & to bed 1030 PM.