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Sept 12, 1933
At Olympia office for conference with Lou Ovenden & Ray James and so far as they were concerned settled matters regarding cooperation amicably. Lunch with Couch & then home via Rainier to see Major Tomlinson. Rainier park still making a brave display of flowers with the Mountain Buckwheat - Antennaria - Aster foliosus - [[affording?]] bulk of show. Some [[underlined]] Lupine subvolcanicus [[/underlined]] still in flower. A late fall timberline species [[underlined]] Eucephalus ledophyllus [[/underlined]] a big purple aster with yellow center also abundant Left there at 500 PM home at 1100 P.M very tired
Sept 13, 1933
Left Portland 800 AM, drove to Burns Ore arriving 800 PM. Conference Les Laythe - Walter Pierce & Mrs Pierce. Wife with me.
Sept 14, 1933
Conference Julian Byrd, Les Laythe - Malarky etc. Also Walter Pierce all day. Julian Byrd & wife at hotel in evening
[[underlined]] Sept 15, 1933 [[/underlined]] Conference les Laythe. also to Malheur Lake see Geo Benson. - Found Martin of Washington office and took him to Burns Left Burns 200 PM arr Prineville 800 PM
Sept 16, 1933
Left Prineville at 730 AM arr Portland 730 PM with wife after looking over birds etc
Sept 17, 1933
Made two gulls up& cleaned four Pink footed Shearwaters. Cleaned basement made notes. Worked all balance of the day on Banff article & selection of pictures for articles for House & Garden. Prepared for field trip