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Sept 18, 1933
At office working over a great pile of mail & reports.  Saw Chet & Speer. Dictated all morning & worked on notes in PM until 1:30 PM when I left with Jewett for eastern Oregon arriving at Hermiston at 9:00 PM.
Sept 19, 1933
Left Hermiston 7:00 AM and drove to Enterprise where we meet Geo Rodgers & then onto Marr Flat on the Wallona N.F at 6.00 P.M.
Sept 20, 1933
At Marr Flat - hiked over the country on one bank of Grouse Creek. Junatt laid up by a bad foot & unable to go. Plenty of gopher sign and evidence of many Columbian ground squirrels in the meadows. 
Saw fresh coyote tracks & sign. A fine crop of snowshoe rabbits in evidence. Pine squirrels plentiful and already eating cambium & buds over the area. Coniferous seed crop short. Chipmunks plentiful. 
1 Western Redtail ([[strikethrough]] c [[/strikethrough]])
(2) Richardson Grouse. 1 shot last night & 1 today both filled with [[Sinulacena?]] & Ribes fruits & willow & alder leaves. A flock of 10 flushed twice from a patch of currants full of fruit.
3 Gray Ruffed Grouse. Common about camp - feeding on same fruits as above and flock of 12 in the currant patch. Chipmunks plentiful also.
(4) Clark's Crow Sev.
(5) Rocky Mt Jay c about camp & elsewhere 
when I shot a grouse three came promptly 
6. Black headed Jay (c)