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Sept 24, 1933
Left [[Mari Flat?]] at Mahogany Stockmens Cabin at 730 AM after the most miserable four days I've ever seen in the mountains. Rain - snow - cold weather & poor accomodations made it very unsatisfactory. 
Stopped at Lick Cr. and an usual thing happened. I shot a crossbill which lodged high in a spruce tree. All efforts to dislodge it failing I moved on into the timber. When about a hundred yards away a rocky mt Jay flew into the tree - seized the crossbill & flew away with it. Crossbills & siskins were common here. All others scarce. 
In yellow pine near target springs we heard a Jay scream. We stopped the car and found some deer entrails about which the nutcrackers & Jays fairly swarmed. Near the edge of timber we ran into a company of hundreds of Clarks Nutcrackers. 4 collected were filled to capacity with Yellow Pine seeds. I've never seen such an enormous flock of those birds. Also saw a horned Owl & a Western Goshawk. Saw Rodgers. Arr Hermiston 600 PM
Sept 25, 1933
Left Hermiston at 730 AM. 
Crossed the sand & found a good crop of rabbits compared to recent years. Birds mighty scarce.
While stopping at Jim Carty's place I was standing in a fence corner motionless watching a flock of horned larks on the ground, when a flutter of wings & something