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Sept 25, 1933
hit my hat. I [[underline]] instinctively [[/underline]] tilted my head [[underline]] dislodging a female Shufeldt's Junco. [[/underline]] The bird [[underline]] landed on a post ten feet away and proceeded by emphatic tail jerking and plain cussing to express her opinion of a post that behaved in that manner. Altho I turned & faced her she stayed for several minutes [[overstrike]] before [[/overstrike]] unburdening her mind before proceeding to a [[/underline]] bunch of Russian Thistles nearby.
I saw Song - Savannah and white crowned sparrows of some sort here at this desert water hole in addition to the Junco all evidently migrating. 
arrived in Portland 430 P.M.
Skinned a horned lark - made up two grouse & rewrapped birds. Catalogued a few while I visited with John Carter & his wife.
Sept 26, 1933.
In office on mail & routine matters all morning. Hugh Worcester, Warden at Tule Lake came in to tell me his troubles over the sheep leases on the refuge. Leo Couch in in P.M. and home to dinner with me. John also in & discussed business matters. Couch left & I catalogued a few birds.
Sept 27, 1933
In office. Lunch with W. S. Raper & visit Prof Dubois in evening.
Sept 28, 1933
[[overstrike]] Left [[/overstrike]] In office all day. Lunch with Ben Lampman and catalogued birds all evening. Sent off manuscripts to House & Garden.
Sept 29, 1933
Worked in office all day & finished clearing my desk.