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Sept 30, 1933.
Worked in office on mail. Conferred with Ballard and wrote the second Nature article. Then home to mow lawn, mend furniture hang pictures etc. John Carter over for a short time in evening.
Oct 1, 1933
Out with John Carter & Iris for a short time at Halls place. Jean started with us but became sick to her stomach & I took her home before going out. Saw very few birds and I only killed a Seattle wren to make the 2600 bird in my catalogue. Saw [[underline]] Zonotrichia, Melospiza - Pacific yellowthroats - gairdner's woodpeckers [[/underlined]] - etc one [[underlined]] Wilson snipe [[/underlined]]. Home to complete another article for Leonard Barron & then to the Nursery to see John & to the folks to get a suit case for CJ. Assembled material for field trip.
Oct 2, 1933
To office to get off two articles to Nature & two sets of photos for Leonard Barrons American Home. Dictated & signed correspondence. Bot shirts & pants. Saw Jewett - Dad Speer, Les [[Senson?]] & Prof Dubois. Secure shot gun shells and then home to pack - eat lunch and hike
Left office 1100 AM and drove to Redmond. On the hill above Culver took one shot into a bunch [[underline]] of quail [[/underline]] & secured four. all of which made up into beautiful skins [[Saved?]] meat. Arrived at Redmond at 630 PM 
Oct 3, 1933
Left Redmond at 800 AM and arrived at Alturas 500 PM. see over