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Oct 8, 1933
Left greenville at 8:00 AM. and went over Clova Valley. This valley has been treated three times. Once each for squirrels, mice & pocket gophers the latter only in the meadows all good jobs. Saw Mr. Janseen Supt of Crocker C.CC. Spike Camp. and Ray Power our foreman on the job. Both fine fellows and keenly interested in work. Then on to Big and Little Last Chance Creek which Hansen wants to poison for porkies this winter Infestation heavy & looks like a good project. also several meadows laid out for CCC gopher work next year. Then around to Beckwith where we met Ogle Berry the other foreman who had charge of CCC work & who Hansen expects to put on this winter. Near Portola found [[underline]] Zauchneria californica [[/underline]]  in abundance in washes where it forms mats still showing a red flush from scattered blossoms.
arrived Portola at 6:00 PM
Oct 9, 1933
Leave Portola at 8:00 AM visit C.C.C. camp at Satterly. Found Seept out and our foreman off job to go home to wife who has had a major operation Went on to Webber Lake meadow treated once & partly second time for pocket gophers. This is area where Horn trapped them at rate of 80 per acre (62 on 3/4 acre). Much of area of approximate 400 acre completely denuded. almost 100 % kill on treated area. adjoining areas untreated showed abundant gopher activity. A very fine piece of work and only needs completion particularly around the edges in the lodgepole where the little glades were badly infested. suggested this be done. [[underline]] Gentiana newberryi [[/underline]] very abundant.