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Dec 7, 1933 cont
Saw few birds. Numerous big hawks in trees. American Golden eye, American Merganser, Pintail (2) Mallard and green winged teal quite common along Malheur. Saw 6 yellowlegs (Greater) and numerous Blue Herons etc. Returned to Ontario at 700 PM. Saw a Lewis Woodpecker.
Dec 8, 1933
Left Ontario 700AM enroute to Prineville where we arrived at 530 P.M.
Counted 24 big hawks mostly American Rough Legs between Ontario & Prairie City. Saw comparatively few birds. Stopped in Canyon City to see Mr. Sullivan chairman of C. W. A. committee and Mr. Meyerjurgen game warden. Also Cy Bingham Confer with Tucker & Harriman in Prineville
Dec 9 1933
Left Prineville 730AM and arrive Portland 200PM
Skinned out a Mallard, an American Merganser & two American Goldeneyes
degreased the lot & made up the Goldeneyes by midnight. Put a male merganser skinned last week to soak.
Dec 10, 1933
Made up two mergansers & a mallard this morning & then cleaned basement. Worked cleaning up library balance of the day.
Dec 11, 1933.
In office all day. Mail & reports also working on birds of Oregon. In evening took Clara to show. Footlight Parade which she seemed to enjoy very much.
Dec 12, 1933.
In office all day. Mail & reports