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Dec 21, 1933
Rained all day enroute. Worked on birds of Oregon most of day on the train. Arrived in Portland one hour late & Clara met me at East Morrison st. at home in evening 
Dec 22, 1933
In office all day. General office work & birds of Oregon. Jewett & I examined series of Mt quail & worked out ranges. At home in evening.
Dec 23, 1933
At home all day. Worked on birds of Oregon most of day. 
Dec 24, 1933. Same as above altho spent a lot of time with Clara & the kids.
Dec 25, 1933. Ate too much turkey visited with John & Dad & Mother.
Dec 26, 1933
In office all day. Worked on birds of Oregon. Mrs King gone. Game Hoch a few letters. 
Dec 27, 1933
Same as above. General office work & Bird of Ore. Visit Braley in evening to get bird egg data.
Dec 28, 1933.
Left Portland 800 AM via [[-ville?]] to Cottage at Devils Lake. Everything all OK there & found road in good shape.
Dec 29, 1933. To Depoe Bay & out on Ocean saw little & ground swells & low tide combination made it difficult to return. To add to the excitement the [[teller?]] rope broke just as we entered the jaws of the harbor entrance but made it in O.K.
1 Canvasback 3 on Devils Lake
2. Earned Grebe 3 on Devils Lake
3. Butterball 10 on Devils Lake
4. Shufeldts Junco C on Devils Lake
5. Fox Sparrow 1 on Devils Lake
6. Oregon Towhee 2 on Devils Lake