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eye strain - indigestion etc
Jan 11, 1934
See Dr. for further tests. Left at 10:00 AM arriving at Corvallis at 4:00 P.M. Stopping enroute to see Crouse about landscaping the church at Oak Grove. Bull meeting to tell the story of the find. Fine meeting. 
Jan 12, 1934
at conference Corvallis. spoke on C.W.A works & also on budget matter. Interviewed Dean Schoenfeldt also Dr. Fulten, Mr [[Gerden?]], Miss Gilkey etc also Henderson, Flitcher, Johnson, Larsen etc. In evening with Clara
Jan 13, 1934
At college to see Ballard & [[Teutolh?]]. Returned home arriving at office 1:00 P.M. care for office work and then home to work on photos there
Jan 14, 1934
selected photos to illustrate 10 articles & then took Clara & the kids to zoo for a breath of fresh air. at house in evening Mrs Beny coming over to see us. 
Jan 15, 1934
In office on Ike Walton League matters. office work carrying for mail leaving at 11:00 AM for Washington with [[Leichhardt?]]. Rained on last end of trip and reached Moby Dick hotel at Ocean Park at about 6:00 PM. nice visit with [[strikethrough]] Jan 16, 1934 [[/strikethrough]] Jack [[Stetson?]] of the state fisheries service.
Jan 16, 1934.
Left Ocean Park at 8:00 AM & walked a little beach at Oysterville not much doing in way of bird life here but back in the flats saw numerous Black bellied Plover & Red backed sandpipers. about Willipa Harbor saw many Buffleheads, the little males already