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April 16, 1934
     Left office at 10:00 A.M. and went home to pack.
Packed car & left for Cal. stopped at house at Devils
Lake long enough to find out about things.
Everything O.K. but no water.  Saw Dellinger &
he stated repair work under way.  Then in
to Depoe Bay.  Saw Braley & Maines & [[small?]]
upon number of bird Braley had skinned.
April 17, 1934
     Out on ocean a while in morning.  Saw nothing of interest at all.  No migrants.
Killed two cormorants with plumes the
first of many I've ever had but saw nothing else of value murres few, marbled murrelets, cormorants of usual three species & usual gulls.
[[overstrike]]April 17, 1934.[[/overstrike]] Left and drove to Siltcoos lake
arriving 6:00 P.M. Darling's resort. Acquainted with him & he promised to send me any
hawks & water fowl he secured.  Had a cabin with beautiful outlook over lake.
Darling says quite a few canvasback  --  ruddy &
scaup on the lake but would give no comparison with previous years.
April 18, 1934
     Left Siltcoos lake at 8:30 A.M. and arrived at Eureka Cal. at 8:00 P.M.
a beautiful day for the drive down the coast. Rhododendrons in blossom & had 
[[rolling?]] in [[coast?]] and azaleas in Curry &
Del Norte counties.  Saw few birds anywhere
altho 5 Harlequins on rocks at Harlequin [[underline]] Cove [[/underline]] also flock of black turnstones
April 19, 1924
     Visit with Doug Pine & his wife & leave there at 2:00 P.M. driving thru