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April 24, 1934 (cont)
see Tonkin at his office & Joe Dixon at his home. also Horn for a short time at Tonkins arriving at Sacramento at midnight
[[underline]] April 25, 1934 [[/underline]]
     see Jacobson, Keyes & leave for Reno at 11:00 AM arriving there at 4:30 PM. Visited Sam & wife in evening.
April 26, 1934
     At Reno office all day on mail  --  reports.
radio talk for Jacobson  --  notes etc.  In evening visited with Sam.
April 27, 1934
     Lv. Reno at 7:30 A.M. and drive to antelope refuge where we saw numerous antelope
heavy with fawn. The bucks are fat & can't run like the fall season.
April 28, 1934
     On refuge.  Saw two [[underline]] Swainson's Hawk [[/underline]] nests ready for occupancy.  Saw lots of woodchucks and also lots of antelope which were wild & nervous.  Left at 10:00 A.M. arr at Klamath Falls late in afternoon & stopped in Warner
Valley.  Saw there a few [[underline]] Gadwall [[/underline]], a
fair sprinkling of [[underline]] cinnamon teal [[/underline]], 12-15
[[underline]] Canada geese [[/underline]]  -  6 [[underline]] Sandhill Cranes [[/underline]]  --  two of the latter being pestered by two [[underline]] marsh
hawks [[/underline]]. When the hawks dove the cranes ducked down & turned their long
sharp bills up toward the hawks who sheared off to wheel & come back.
Also a few red heads, ruddys, etc.
     In evening saw [[strikethrough]] Albert [[/strikethrough]] Luckhardt.
April 29, 1934
conference with Worcester & Luckhardt