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May 12, 1934 (cont)
by the name of Johnson down who drove me to Westport arriving there about 12.30 P.M. Crowd went out on the mud flats and reported great numbers of [[underline]] Western & Red backed sandpipers. [[/underline]] Some [[underline]] Black bellied Plover, Ruddy Turnstone & Hudsonian  Curlew.[[/underline]]  I couldn't go on account of the bum leg but did drive on the beach where we saw many hundred Sanderlings.  Meeting of P.B. & A. Society in evening very enjoyable about 15 present 
May 13, 1934
   Up at 5 [[underline]] 00 [[/underline]] out in beach. A strong offshore wind came up and soon there was a steady flight of small birds beating in to land against the wind. [[underline]] Pileolated Warblers [[/underline]] made up the bulk of the flight - but [[underline]] Townsend & Yellow Warblers, [[/underline]] small [[underline]] fly catchers & hummers[[/underline]] were also in evidence.
  The birds lit on rocks - & on the sand they were so tired & all day long the woods swarmed with them feeding thru the tree tops.  I collected 4 [[underline]] Townsend warblers. [[/underline]] This bunch in the tide flats brot in [[underline]] Knots [[/underline]] which arrived last night and I could see birds moving off shore but could get no one to go with me.  Sandpipers left as the tide came in. going out over [[Warbarlins?]] place in a succession of waves.
  Returned to Olympis where I skinned my birds & met Clara.  I arrived at 5 [[underline]] 00 [[/underline]] PM Elmer Williams at hotel in evening