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May 14, 1934
  Organized my load & left Olympia at 10.00 AM arriving at Wenatchne at 7 [[underline]] 00 [[/underline]] with Clara  driving. Pentstemon fruticosa  in sheets near Bleinett pass.  Lupine - chokecherry amelanchier, Viburnum & Ceamothes in full bloom.  Met Finley-MacDonald & Teague in evening.
May 15, 1934
  With Finley & McFarland to Finley Webbs place above Wenatchee on east side of Columbia to see results of yesterdays woodcuck poisoning found 12 chucks & 2 live ones and a dozen or more Pecognathus.  Things badly dried up killed first rattler of season
  At noon ate lunch with Gilbert Brown & then in PM  to Okawngen with Finley & Clara.  Hot & best beautiful day.  Arrived at Okonagan at 7.00 PM. Left Wenatchee 2. [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]] P.M.
May 16, 1934
  Left Okanagan at 7 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]] AM to Salmon Meadows to inspect pocket gopher work done last fall. Not a new mound on the treated area other activity showing in adjoining untreated areas.
  Concomelly Bird refuge has lots of water this year. Thence to Loomis thru the hills  over Elmer [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] Williams last winters poison line used.  Thence to Republic.  Found an [[underline]] occupied Osprey nest near Curlew Lake.[[/underline]] Young called in nest. Arr Republic 600 PM
May 17, 1934              
  Left Republic 8 [[underline]] 00 [[/underline]] PM and arrived at Yakima at 8 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]] PM Visited various areas in Indian reservation & talked with Mr. Widman who was  tracking sheep into the area.  Well satisfied with coyote work  Had only lost 3 lambs.