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May 17, 1934 cont
out of 5000 ewes from coyotes & also 5 since coming into reservation.  Visited site of Grand Coulee Dam & onto Yakima.
May 18, 1934
  Secured [[underline]] two eagles [[/underline]] which Finley had in storage & skinned them next day at home. Left Yakina 2 00 PM after confering with Finley. and arrived home at 7 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]] PM.
May 19, 1934
  At home all day resting crippled leg & cared for mail furnished by Miss King. [[underline]] Skinned eagles [[/underline]] in PM & until eleven at night.
May 20, 1934
To Crowells from Breakfast with the Audubon Society crowd.   Lovely time. At home balance of day. Cleaning up yard making up birds etc.
May 21, 1934
  In office worked all day in accumulated mail. Paul Carpenter came in PM for a nice visit & at home in evening
May 22, 1934
  With John Carter to Will Bartlett Ranch near Tigard.  Saw [[underline]] Robins,[[/underline]] Cal. [[underline]] Purple Finches, Brewers Blackbirds [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Cedar Waxwings working in cherry trees  In P.M. at home skinning birds
May 24, 1934
  In office general office work. Caring for mail & working on next years budgets
May 25-1934 In office as above and leave 3.30 PM for Devils Lake with Clara & kids