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July 1, 1934 continued
30. Western Red tail 2
Went for a swim & measured up for a dock.
July 2, 1934
Went to Depoe Bay to go out but found it too rough. Went with Braley to Newport flats & there collected [[underline]] Western Sandpipers [[/underline]] the earliest records for Oregon. There were several hundred in the flock 
Arranged for lumber for dock & hired a carpenter to help.
July 3, 1934.
Started dock by clearing & hauling rock and cutting lumber which arrived late in PM. Also wrote a long time on the birds of Oregon
July 4, 1934
Worked on dock. We had a wild time getting the crib placed & such but eventually made it.
July 5, 1934
Finished dock except deck & worked on official correspondence.
July 6, 1934
To Depoe bay & out in ocean where I saw no migrating birds but 
secured Marbled Murrelets 
Cassin Auklet
Sooty Shearwater
Tufted Puffin
At home in evening & fishing for bass with Prof. also caught a catfish off the dock in evening
[[Bickens?]] completed it this morning