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July 20, 1934. cont
Registered + took part in General [[strikeover]] electric [[/strikeover]] meeting
July 21, 1934
Attended meeting + talked on Biological survey work. Met many people and attended banquet.
July 22, 1934
Went home arriving at noon + spent balance of day packing stuff for trip to Olympia
July 23, 1934
Up early + drove to Portland arriving at 900 AM A hectic day in office + Met Finley, Davidson, etc.
July 24, 1934
With Cora to Olympia arriving at noon-Conference with Eliner & Leo & then on to Seattle arriving at 5 [[underline]] 00 [[/underline]]PM. Busy arranging for trip tomorrow.
July 25, 1934
Saw Ray James & then drive to Silvertin [[strikethrough]]Oregon [[/strikethrough]][[handwritten insert]] Wash where Ive met Ray Holley.  We rode 10 miles in a Speeder which took two hours & arrived at Silverton at 300 PM.  Packed stuff for trip.
July 26, 1934
  Left Silveton via Packs outfit.  3 men & 5 horses.  Just as we mounted Mr. Holly's brother picked a four leaved clover, and handed it to Couch.  It was supposed to be a good omen but before we were [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] hours out of Silverton one of the pack horses fell off the trail into a jungle of down logs. Mr. Holley came down to valley after more help when it became apparent we could do nothing more.  Couch & I stayed