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July 26, 1934 cont.
with the horse.  We had it on its feet once but could do nothing with it and when help came & we finally got her out she had a broken leg & we had to shoot her. We returned to Big 4 & back to Silverton on Speeder.
July 27, 1934
 Up early & to Big 4 on Speeder & then on with the horses again Arriving in Dickerman mt at 2 [[underline]] 00 [[/underline]].  Bright & clear after we climbed thru the fog.  after church we climbed to top of the mountain and collected 1 Junco & 1 Blue Grouse.
Saw 4 Black Swifts but couldn't hit any.
Saw 7 goats & photographed one.
View from summit is magnificent.  We could see every major peak from Baker to Ranier inclusive & several minor ones. In evening fog  settled & we viewed a magnificent panorama of the northern Cascades a wilderness of jagged peaks.
  watched the moonlight effect-etc on the peaks & fog until 11[[underline]] 00 [[/underline]] PM.
July 28, 1934
Didn't get much sleep. [[Shrieks woke ?]] & mosquitos accounted for it.  Up early. climbed peak twice. Couldn't follow Holly & Couch over boulders so walked from peak both times.
  They saw[[underline]] Rosy Finches [[/underline]] and secured 1 each of [[underline]] Ptarmigan]][[/underline]] & [[underline]] Pipet[[/underline]]No goat kids either day. Altogether I saw about 12 adults.  Saw about 8 grouss with one to three youngsters Lots of coyotes sign.  In game refuge but no game. In the two days have seen little