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Nov 19, 1934
[[check mark]] 1. Sage Sparrow most abundant species
[[check mark]] 2. Horned Larks second most abundant species
3. Black throated sparrow 2
[[check mark]] 4. Harris Sparrow. 1 on Nevada bank of Colorado at mouth of Eldorado Canyon. This bird was with another Zonotrichia which may also have been this species but was not seen distinctly
[[check mark]] 5. Bewicks Wren 1 collected
[[check mark]] 6. Rock Wren 6
[[check mark]] 7. Says Phoebe 1
[[check mark]] 8. Gambels quail 7
[[check mark]] 9. Golden eagle 1
[[check mark]] 10 Coopers Hawk 1
[[check mark]] 11. Pale Goldfinch 2     Searchlight [[ferry?]]
[[check mark]] 12 Green backed Goldfinch 2   "" 
[[check mark]] 13. White crowned sparrow c probably Gambel's
[[check mark]] 14. Song sparrow 2
[[check mark]] 15. Black capped Gnatcatcher 2
[[check mark]] 16. W. Ruby crowned Knight 1
[[check mark]] 17. Brewer's Sparrow 1
[[check mark]] 18. Fairalon Cormorant 1
[[check mark]] 19. Horned Lark sev.
[[check mark]] 20. Cal. Shrike
We came out of Canyon & down to Searchlight & then down to ferry & back to Las Vegas
Nov 20, 1934 Left 615 AM 
Drove to St Thomas - Overton & valleys of Virgin & Muddy rivers. The town of St Thomas will be flooded by Boulder Dam and a lot of the valley above the town 
Soil very light & eroding badly. Heavy rain las night has swollen the streams so we couldn't get on to bottom to see duck food condition and got stuck in sand trying. Returned up stream