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Dec 12, 1934
Cont. See Les Couch etc
Dec 13, 1934. Speak at N.W. Regional Planning Council on Wild Life Problems. see many people. Conference Schoenfeldt - Ray James, Sam Rathburn D E Brown. Mike Reteren[[guess]]
Dec 14, 1934
Lv. Seattle 8:00 AM. See Stan Warburton at Tacoma, Couch at Olympia arr Olympia 6:00 PM
Dec 15, 1934.
Lv Olympia at 8:00 AM arr Portland noon work in office in PM.
Dec 16, 1934.
In Portland. worked at home all day
Dec 17, 1934.
In office in AM. Drove at [[strikethrough]] noon [[/strikethrough]] 2:00 PM for Corvallis arriving at 5:00 PM. Conference with Ballard, Schoenfeldt, Dunwick etc
Dec 18, 1934
Attended Co. Agts Conference. Conferences with Dr. [[Siris?]], Shaw, Schoenfeldt etc. Spoke before Biology Club in evening.
Dec 19, 1934.
In conference in AM. Leave at 2:00 PM arr Portland at 6:00 PM. Dinner at Ben Lampman's. Fine meal & enjoyable evening
Dec 20, 1934
At home working on Birds of Oregon
Dec 21, 1934
At home working on Birds of Oregon
Dec 22, 1934
At home working on Birds of Oregon Finished the first draft of the damn thing Hurrah for our side
Dec 23, 1934
Didn't do much of anything but relax