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Jan 19, 1935  side of the car killing it.  On skinning it I found a concussion but no other injury & no lack of food.
June 20, 1935
  At home packing birds & books. Cold & Stormy
Jan 21, 1935
  In office with mail-reports etc and packing birds
Jan 22, 1935
  Same as above.
Jan 23, 1935
  Same as above.
Jan 24, 1935. Same as above and a talk at Mutual Business Club on Biological Survey activities
Jan 25, 1935
 In office general office work in AM
Left at 1 00 PM for Olympia arriving 6 00 PM
  Conference Couch
Jan 26, 1935
  Conference Couch & Rasmussen and with Couch on duck count.  Saw a lot of [[strikethrough]] Jan 27 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Scaup [[/underline]] but little else and dug a mess of clams in evening.
Jan 27, 1935
  Out to a couple of swell lakes with Couch in AM.  Also he gave me a beautiful adult [[symbol for male]] [[underline]] Horned [[/underline]] Owl.  Home at 7 00 PM
Jan 28, 1935
  In office packing birds & mail.
Jan 29, 1935
  In office finished packing birds & it was a tremendous relief to know they were ready to go.