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Feb 19, 1935
Arrived in Washington at 8[[underline]]40[[/underline]] AM. Went to hotel + registered + then to office where I met Chief, Young, etc. Lot of mail which I didn't get all finished. Talked with Bell etc.
Feb 20, 1935
In office all day on mail + conferences worked until Late
Feb 21, 1935
Same as above only more of it. Moved my belongings out to Youngs + have a nice large guest room. where I hope to get some work done.
Feb 22, 1935
Out to Clarendon to look at [[Pecore?]] place. No go -don't like it. Also to zoo with French. Walked miles and felt tired but good [[strikeover]] night.
Feb 23, 1935
Beginning to get a tail hold on some of this stuff now + can begin to get some ideas of correlation of work. In PM with Chet + his wife to College Park - Tacoma Park etc. Nice day but found nothing
Feb 24, 1935
went to Biological Society meeting last night + heard Young + [[Coltam?]] talk. Both pretty good. Youngs, Dorr Greens + I went to a night club + danced a little + home Today out with Crouch to look at houses, no luck.
Feb 25, 1935
In office all day working with Forest Service