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March 3, 1935
Worked until noon to finish the article for House & Garden. In afternoon Dorr Green took me out to his home for a lovely dinner & then for a ride thru the Maryland Country side. It was a lovely dinner and a beautiful day for a ride. He brot me back to the  house in the evening where I've written a number of letters and am now headed for bed.
Mar 4-31, 1933:
For the first time since I started on my first trip as Regional Supervisor after clearing up the Bach case I've been so busy that I've failed to make an entry in this little book. I've worked every day in the office usually being 9 or later before I reached the room. I've finished the House & Garden article, written one antelope article and three of the five introductory chapters planned for the book on the Birds of Oregon. Also corrected stuff for about 25 species of birds. In addition I've written innumerable memos for the chief and a lot of stuff outlining the job. Spoke to a bunch of editors for the chief and in general making myself useful with the outfit. John Cooter in town two or three days
April 1, 1935. Monday. In office all day preparing memos for the chief. Miss Broadwater has finally gotten herself installed as my sec. & she is a joy. She is keen alert & intelligent.