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April 4, 1935
us up North River on the game refuge.  We first inspect a mixed planting of conifers  some Japanese & European Pines, [[Mincey?]] pine, short leafed pine & white pine.  Planted close on old farm purchased by F.S.  Short leafed the best growth but showing some winter injury.  Here I looked carefully for tracks but didn't see any.  Found one skinned skunk carcass hanging in tree.
  Stopped next at a planting of European Larch which has done well.  Informed that policy was to plant bottoms & farm lands solidly to conifers.  Saw a few Red oak which didn't look good.  Saw a wild turkey gobbler cross the road shortly after leaving this place.  Walked a couple of miles up a creek where some cultural work has been done.  Some white oak, white pine & maple but reproduction poor & scattered.  Little underbrush except Laurel & wich hazel & young oaks of various kinds.  No brush along streams. Little feed.  Saw no deer tracks either here or all day.  Found some turkey droppings  Saw two bobcat droppings containing some rabbit hair and mouse jaws & hair.  Many fox droppings two [[?]] contained hair & jaws of mice and one gray squirrel.  More predator sign than anything else.  Probably too many foxes as fox droppings very abundant. Also some skunk dropping & (mice)