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April 4, 1935 {cont}
Little bird food here except acorns, a little winter green, once in a while magnolia, cherry and hickory + dogwood.
Next to a planting on the summit on an old farm trees planted last year survival not too good. open & apparently dry soil. No game but saw a hound trailling three. Next climbed the hill to see
[[strikeover]] cutting. Here a fine young stand of sugar maple & hickory, hop hornbeam etc. with maple predominating. All of the old hickories & oaks had been girdled to make room for the new growth. If extensive would remove all mast but such little pockets {this one about 3 acres} are scarce.
Then along the top to Reddish Knob (4398) to lookout tower.  Saw one ruffed grouse here.  Plenty of vaccinium, some willow, [[underline]] Gaultheria procumbens [[/underline]] still with berries & considerable [[slimmins?]] along summit. More fruit here than elsewhere.  Area predominately scrub oak ( [[underline]] Q. ilicifolia [[/underline]]) and scrub pine with Laurel & [[underline]] Pieris floribunda [[/underline]] occupying too much area. Might improve by cutting out some of these & possibly by planting some Rubus. Saw another grouse here.  Down on west side of Shenandoah Mt. to Sugar Grove W. Va & up the South Fork of the Potomac to Headwaters.  got off road onto a road which led up hills three miles to a farm house & ended.  Saw two cottontails.  Birds generally scarce but more abundant here than elsewhere.  Some Servae, some Rubus & more cover here. From Headwaters