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April 5, 1935
 Met Sportsmen tonight Rockingham Co Sportsmen Assn.  Also Chairman of Virginia Fish & Game Commission [[Nollton?}}
Mr. Aniton and another member.
  We [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] had a fine meeting.
April 6, 1935.  Left Harrisonburg 7 30 AM and drove via Edinborough, Wardensville W Va., Moorefield, Petersburg, Mt. Storm, Gormaine & Red house Md & to Elkins W. Va arriving at 6 00 PM.
  Cloudy & rain & fog all the way.  We stopped at one CCC camp & talked to supt etc.  Considered it good game country. In fog most of way saw practically no birds & no game except two squirrels in the western edge of Geo. Washington Forest.  We turned off at Thomas and visited Davis & Canaan Mt. Lookout to see spruce plantation in a cold driving rain reminiscent of the Oregon coast in winter but colder.  In evening met their new game management man of Forest Service and talked with him.  He has rather grandiose ideas but some are sound basically.  His name is [[insert]] S.S.[[/insert]] Dietz.
April 7, 1935- Sunday. Cold & raining at Elkins 
wrote notes & letters all morning in room with a gas fireplace.  It made my eyes smart so that I had hard time keeping busy.  In after noon met Forest Supervisor [[insert]] A.A.[[/insert]] Wood & made plans for tomorrow.    He called Don [[insert]] W. Beck [[/insert]] [[strikethrough]] Bells [[/strikethrough]] the asst Supervisor & we arranged a start at 8 00 AM
April 8, 1935
  Left Elkins at 8 00 AM with Asst. Supervisor Mr. Dietz, Gross & Self all riding in a