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April 15 - 35 cont.
hers expecting to lake out such material later for Chemical wood plants and thus effect a second thruway. Present treatment too light to have any effect on wild left food often consisting of a top pruning or removal of a single cherry or maybe sapling 12 - 15 years old. Returned to Warren 7:30 PM after the worst day yet in the field Cold & snowing most of time. My feet are not yet warm and its 10:00 PM.
April 16, 1935.
Warren conference Koenig etc leave 11:00 AM. See an improvement stand & cord wood sale. which is really a thriving operation. A lot of huge old cherry trees included. This thinning will temporarily open canopy here but not for long as remaining trees still vigorous & not too close together. J.K.V easey with us today Then to a sale at West Pine. Legging sale & chemical wood sale. Will open stand and allow jungle of briars for few years before reproduction grows up. Then to Camp 3. Clyde Potter Supt. Saw here an area cut over 10 years ago. A lot of old trees particularly which left standing because of low timber value caused by deformity have been gutted to give release to a dense slaind[[guess]] of young cherry & beech beneath. Effect is to destroy most crop temporarily in this area which has according to Potter are culteral frman[[guess]] produced on an average of one year in three. Some of other woods here careless. Est 8000 - 10000 was in forest headed this way. Most doubtful piece of works on W. Island Ive seen yet